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Luciano Monosilio

King of Carbonara

Guess who?

King of Carbonara


Luciano is the King of Carbonara. An appellation given to Chef Monosilio by a New York Times journalist the first time he tasted it when he worked at the Rex. The strength of Chef Monosilio's Carbonara is summed up in a preparation in which ingredients, cooking and temperatures are the result of careful and precise codification of the traditional recipe.

King of Carbonara is the progenitor of contemporary carbonara: he codified certain pillars of its procedure, such as the dosage of two different cheeses, which give the dish its iconic flavour, and the bain-marie cooking technique for pasteurising the eggs, hence its characteristic creaminess.

What makes Carbonara special, in addition to the quality of the pasta that conveys its flavours, is Chef Monosilio's ability to enhance a poor dish by introducing it first in a gourmet kitchen, without mortifying or destructuring it, maximising its flavours and history; the same recipe is then improved and enhanced in Luciano's menu - Cucina Italiana, preserving that quality and research - not only in the sauce but also in the pasta product - that has made King of Carbonara famous throughout the world.

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